for business
SHERIFF announces the launch of a marathon - 100 free audits to ensure the security of Ukrainian enterprises.

We pay attention to every detail, identify weak points and offer individual solutions so that your business is protected in today's environment.

The security of your business is our precedence!
безкоштовний аудит
Business Security Audit Marathon
вашого бізнесу?
вашого бізнесу?
of your business?
Are you sure about the security
Were you worried about the personal safety of your most important partners and clients?
Have you secured the premises against burglary and intrusion?
Have you taken care of protection against unauthorized access?
Do you have "eyes" on the object?
Are you sure about fire protection?
Have you prepared for the safe transportation of valuable cargo?
Do you have round-the-clock communication with the security company and control over the services provided by it?
Free SHERIFF Security Audit
Yes, commercial security is not just protection against robbers.
It is a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses the business from every angle and ensures its well-being 24/7.
The companies that conducted an audit:
Organization and conduct of regular inspections of security professionals, security posts, etc., working within the company.
Проведення аудиту:
Аудит фізичної охорони від компанії SHERIFF – це комплексна перевірка якості роботи внутрішньої охорони в компанії Замовника, її структурних підрозділів, детальне вивчення встановлених систем безпеки
Аудит фізичної охорони складається з:
Аналізу потенційних ризиків, здатних в короткостроковій або довгостроковій перспективі порушити роботу компанії
Аудиту і розробки стратегії захисту підприємства, створення підрозділів внутрішньої служби безпеки
Оцінка стану технічної захищеності компанії, діагностика встановлених систем безпеки і перевірка ефективності їх роботи
Оцінка відповідності охоронних систем відповідно до світових стандартів та стандартів SHERIFF
Організація і проведення регулярних інспекторських перевірок працюючих в компанії фахівців безпеки, постів охорони, тощо
Узгодження формату, масштабу аудиту, додаткових заходів зі встановленням чітких дат роботи аудиторів
Вивчення об'єкта, аналіз організаційних і технічних заходів, систем і суб'єктів
Здійснення огляду інженерної укріпленості об'єкта, проведення аналізу стану СКУД та інших технічних засобів захисту об'єкту
Перевірка і аналіз вразливих місць, які можуть бути використані для поширення ймовірних загроз
Розробка превентивних заходів щодо виявлених порушень
Розробка рекомендацій
Реєстрація, збір, супровід, перевірка небезпечних факторів і загроз
Оцінка результатів перевірки
Розробка звіту
Physical Security Audit
Conducting an audit:
The physical security audit provided by SHERIFF is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the internal security operations within the client's company, its structural divisions, and a detailed examination of the established security systems.
безкоштовний аудит
A physical security audit consists of:
Alignment of the audit format, scope, and additional measures, including setting clear dates for the auditors' work.
Studying the object, analyzing organizational and technical measures, systems, and subjects.
Conducting a review of the object's engineering fortification, performing an analysis of the condition of access control systems (ACS) and other technical security devices at the object.
Checking and analyzing vulnerable areas that could be exploited for potential threats.
Developing preventive measures for identified breaches.
Formulating recommendations.
Registering, collecting, monitoring, and verifying hazardous factors and threats.
Evaluating the results of the audit.

Physical Security Audit
Conducting an audit:
The physical security audit provided by SHERIFF is a comprehensive assessment of the quality of the internal security operations within the client's company, its structural divisions, and a detailed examination of the established security systems.
A physical security audit consists of:
Analysis of potential risks that can disrupt the company's work in the short or long term.
Audit and development of a security protection strategy for the company, including the establishment of internal security departments.
Studying the object, analyzing organizational and technical measures, systems, and subjects.
Conducting a review of the object's engineering fortification, performing an analysis of the condition of access control systems (ACS) and other technical security devices at the object.
Checking and analyzing vulnerable areas that could be exploited for potential threats.
Developing preventive measures for identified breaches.
Formulating recommendations.
Registering, collecting, monitoring, and verifying hazardous factors and threats.
Evaluating the results of the audit.
Creating a report.
Assessment of the company's technical security status, diagnosis of established security systems, and evaluation of their effectiveness.
Assessment of the compliance of security systems with global standards and SHERIFF standards.
Alignment of the audit format, scope, and additional measures, including setting clear dates for the auditors' work.
Creating a report.
безкоштовний аудит
безкоштовний аудит
безкоштовний аудит
Audit and development of a security protection strategy for the company, including the establishment of internal security departments.
Assessment of the company's technical security status, diagnosis of established security systems, and evaluation of their effectiveness.
Organization and conduct of regular inspections of security professionals, security posts, etc., working within the company.
Assessment of the compliance of security systems with global standards and SHERIFF standards.
Analysis of potential risks that can disrupt the company's work in the short or long term.
The video surveillance system was constructed without a proper project and was done independently. Integration with other components or upgrading to a more professional level is required.
Transitioning to outsourcing or changing the service provider.
Moving to a new location with pre-installed systems, it is necessary to assess the technical condition and capabilities.
There are suspicions of unauthorized intrusion or connection to your equipment.
The requirement for an independent audit following the completion of modernization or installation of the system.
The need to expand the functionality of the entire system and install additional equipment.
Lack of understanding of the current state of the video surveillance system as a whole or its individual components, and its ability to fulfill its intended tasks.
Malfunctioning or faulty video surveillance equipment.
Outdated equipment that does not meet the business needs or requires upgrading.
Evaluation of system effectiveness.
Verification of the condition and settings of video surveillance software.
Evaluation of communications. Checking the condition of cables, signal transmission levels, identification of obstacles, degree of oxidation and contamination of connectors.
Analysis of equipment and components.
Research of technical and design documentation.
A video surveillance system audit is an examination of an already installed or designed video surveillance complex.

Its purpose is to assess the quality of the system's performance, identify weak points, and enhance the level of security for the protected object.
An audit of video surveillance consists of checking the following elements:

Reasons for conducting an audit:
Video Surveillance Audit

The video surveillance system was constructed without a proper project and was done independently. Integration with other components or upgrading to a more professional level is required.
Transitioning to outsourcing or changing the service provider.
There are suspicions of unauthorized intrusion or connection to your equipment.
Evaluation of system effectiveness. Identification of blind spots, improperly oriented cameras, mismatch between camera lenses and assigned tasks, improper or outdated equipment selection.
Evaluation of system effectiveness.
Verification of the condition and settings of video surveillance software.
Evaluation of communications. Checking the condition of cables, signal transmission levels, identification of obstacles, degree of oxidation and contamination of connectors.
Analysis of equipment and components.
Research of technical and design documentation.
безкоштовний аудит
Outdated equipment that does not meet the business needs or requires upgrading.
A video surveillance system audit is an examination of an already installed or designed video surveillance complex.

Its purpose is to assess the quality of the system's performance, identify weak points, and enhance the level of security for the protected object.
An audit of video surveillance consists of checking the following elements:
Reasons for conducting an audit:
Video Surveillance Audit
безкоштовний аудит
безкоштовний аудит
Evaluation of system effectiveness. Identification of blind spots, improperly oriented cameras, mismatch between camera lenses and assigned tasks, improper or outdated equipment selection.
Malfunctioning or faulty video surveillance equipment.
Lack of understanding of the current state of the video surveillance system as a whole or its individual components, and its ability to fulfill its intended tasks.
The need to expand the functionality of the entire system and install additional equipment.
The requirement for an independent audit following the completion of modernization or installation of the system.
Moving to a new location with pre-installed systems, it is necessary to assess the technical condition and capabilities.
Fire Safety

An audit consists of checking the following elements:

Modern fire safety systems reduce the risk of property damage and harm to people in the event of a fire.

SHERIFF offers a full range of services related to auditing, designing, and implementing automatic fire alarm systems, as well as servicing such systems.

Fire Alarm System Inspection.
Inspection of devices intended for primary fire extinguishment.
Inspection of automatic fire suppression equipment.
Inspection of equipment and piping for high-pressure water supply
Inspection of smoke extraction equipment, including support fans.
Inspection of fire curtains.
Перевірка протипожежних завіс
Перевірка устаткування для димовидалення, а також вентилятори підпору
Перевірка устаткування і трубопроводу для подачі води під високим тиском
Перевірка засобів автоматичного пожежогасіння
Перевірка засобів, призначених для первинногопожежогасіння
Перевірка систем пожежного оповіщення
безкоштовний аудит
безкоштовний аудит
Сучасні системи пожежної безпеки зменшують ризик збитків майна та пошкодження здоров'я людей у випадку пожежі.

SHERIFF пропонує повний спектр послуг, пов'язаних з аудитом, розробкою та впровадженням автоматичних систем пожежної сигналізації, а також обслуговування таких систем
Аудит складається з перевірки наступних елементів:
Пожежна безпека
безкоштовний аудит
Maintenance of delegations and high-ranking individuals

Maintenance of foreign delegations, participants of events, both as guests and speakers, VIP persons, businesspeople, and children's groups.

Security personnel accompany clients from point A to point B.

There are no specific limitations on who can use this service and who cannot - it is solely determined by the client. I can provide information on the purpose and beneficiaries of maintenance services, and our managers can help determine the most appropriate format.
Maintenance of foreign delegations, participants of events, both as guests and speakers, VIP persons, businesspeople, and children's groups.

Security personnel accompany clients from point A to point B.

There are no specific limitations on who can use this service and who cannot - it is solely determined by the client. I can provide information on the purpose and beneficiaries of maintenance services, and our managers can help determine the most appropriate format.
Maintenance of delegations and high-ranking individuals.
безкоштовний аудит

Reliability. Effectiveness. Intelligence. Innovation.
Arrival of prepared and armed fighters within 1-7 minutes upon alarm.
Material liability up to 100,000 UAH.

Personal manager.

Over 100 patrols throughout Ukraine.

Over 30,000 Ukrainian families under protection.
Winner of the All-Ukrainian People's Prize for 6 consecutive years.
Winner of the All-Ukrainian People's Prize for 6 consecutive years.
Over 30,000 Ukrainian families under protection.
Over 100 patrols throughout Ukraine.
Personal manager.
Material liability up to 100,000 UAH.
Arrival of prepared and armed fighters within 1-7 minutes upon alarm.
Reliability. Effectiveness. Intelligence. Innovation.

Security Audit by SHERIFF
Submit a request for a free consultation with our expert.
Kyiv, Sosnytska Street 1/44

Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Technical Support: 24/7

0 800 309 114
Head Office of SHERIFF